![Toilets](/images/toilets.jpg) dorm, and toilet blocks near meditation halls 2 and 5, and at the dining hall.
All cubicles have western style toilets except those near hall 2 which are squat toilets.
All toilets have sinks with soap provided. All toilets have locks inside and out. No toilets have flushing mechanisms. A bucket filled with water is in the cubicle along with a scoop which should be used to pour water into the toilet until it is clear. It is courteous to ensure the bucket is filled for the next person, and not leave it empty. There is no provision for toilet paper in the toilets. It will be suggested that you use the Asian style of cleaning yourself. There is another bucket in each cubicle to deposit used toilet paper if you choose to use it. The toilet system cannot cope with paper being 'flushed'. The cleaning of the toilet blocks is one of the chores and does include emptying the buckets of used toilet paper. You are asked not to bathe in the cubicles as repeated wetting of the doors causes rapid rotting.