dorms there are six round concrete mandis which store water for bathing and washing clothes.
These are situated in the four corners and halfway down each side.
The water is not heated so it can be quite cool in the morning. Even more so in the cool season. It can get warmer in the afternoon, especially in the hot season. Shorts or a sarong or similar must be worn while bathing. There are a number of plastic scoops at each mandi and you simply scoop up some water, make yourself wet, soap yourself up, then wash the soap away. Care must be taken not to put soapy hands or scoops into the water as this is inconsiderate to other people. Keep a clean scoop full of water ready to wash your hands after soaping to avoid this from happening. For men, there are no shaving mirrors in the dorms, so take your own or try shaving 'blind' which can help with maintaining mindfulness. The water is not covered and things fall in there and die. And soap gets in there accidentally when people are bathing. This is solved by running the tap until the water overflows and cleans the floating debris away. This is best done daily, or every few days at least. Do not add any more water to the mandi after day 9. When the retreat is finished, the mandis are drained and it's inconsiderate to nature to waste more water than is necessary.